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How a quiet title action can help resolve title issues

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2025 | Real Estate Law

As a property owner, a ‘cloud’ on your property’s title can lead to endless uncertainty. When someone disputes your ownership or if there is anything that could call into question who owns the property, you might be unable to sell, refinance or transfer it due to the conflicting claims.

A quiet title action can help you address such issues and restore your full control over the property. Whether it’s an unclear ownership history, unresolved liens, claims by third parties or even errors in public records, this legal process can clear your title and eliminate any obstacles that may have caused confusion or disputes.

How does it work?

In summary, a quiet title action begins by filing a lawsuit in court and outlining the ownership dispute or unresolved issues. After notifying anyone with a potential claim, a court hearing is scheduled. If no one contests your claim or the court rules in your favor, your title will be clear and free of defects or clouds. 

Once the title is cleared, you can sell or transfer the property without issues. It also prevents future claims from arising.

The expected timelines

There is no fixed duration for a quiet title action as it depends on the particulars of each case. You may be looking at several weeks or months. The complexity of your case and if there are disputes or objections can significantly affect the timeline. Additionally, court availability, backlogs and the time needed to serve all necessary notices can cause delays.

Learning more about how a quiet title action works and reaching out for legal guidance can help expedite the process while ensuring you do everything right to secure clear ownership of your property.